Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sick Baby

International clinic Sunday a.m.

Adoption clinic Saturday a.m.
Wow, this is hard.  Having a very sick child that you have known for only 5 days who doesn't speak the same language as you and being in a foreign country with different standards of medical care.  It started with a fever Friday night after we got to Guangzhou.  She had been fine at the airport, in fact, she ran away from us laughing.  Caused a bit of a scene as we chased her through the Guangzhou airport.   The fever went down with Advil and we went to breakfast in the hotel the next morning where she only ate some watermelon and the temp started going up again.  We had the required medical exam for adopted children to get a visa.  She had 38.6 there, but they only examine them for the form.  No treatment etc.  She was so brave for the exam and required blood draw.  Never cried and did whatever they asked.  We came home and she took a nap.  When she woke up she was burning up and I got some Advil down her before taking her temp.  It was 104 under her arm and she was lethargic.  Greg had gone to a paperwork meeting, so I picked her up and carried her down to the hotel mgr. who went with me to the medical clinic upstairs.  She was burning up and limp and the nurse said the doctor wasn't there.  She was starting to stare off into space and I was so scared.  I called our guide and she headed that way and they told me of an International clinic we could go to.  We got in a taxi and I was praying all the way.  She started being more aware as her temp came down and she started to vomit.  She held it in her mouth, bless her heart, until I got the window down.  At the clinic I told them I suspected a UTI and we got a urine sample and blood drawn.  Her wbc were 15.5 and her UA revealed an infection so with all that the doctor dx'd pyelonephritis (kidney infection)  They started an IV and gave her some abx through it.  She was better and kept down some water so they left in the IV catheter and let us go home.   She slept from 5 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. and woke up ready to play.  Back to sleep from 2:30-5:30 a.m. and had fever again.  Went back to the clinic at 10:00 and got more abx. Her wbc had gone up to 19.5.   BTW, Eric's (our former exchange student) dear mother flew in from Chongqing to see us and ended up helping us so much at the clinic.  Anyway,  She went without fever for 11 hours but then had 103 again a little while ago and required Advil and Tylenol to finally get it down so we aren't done with this yet.  We will likely have to get the IV abx every day.
Prayer requests: 1.  The infection responds to the antibiotic and she stops having fever
                          2.  That she willingly takes the oral meds.  She has been fighting me about taking the Tylenol and Advil
                          3.  That she will eat and drink.  It is hard to get her to drink anything.
                          4.  That we can communicate with her as needed.
                          5.  Calm my fears.
Praises:  We communicate pretty well considering the circumstances.
  2.  This has really shown her how much we love and care for her and I think has strengthened our bond.
3.  My love for her is so strong and that was one of my prayers.
4.  The international clinic is very good.
Thanks for all your concern and prayers.  I know she will be okay in my heart, but when her fever goes up she seems so sick that I get a little panicky.  Oh, another praise.  In the clinic she wanted to listen to music so everyone got to hear all kinds of praise songs from my phone for one hour while she got her IV.  They may not have understood the words but His name was raised up.

1 comment:

  1. How scary! Hope she is better now! Poor thing! Saying a prayer for her and your family.
