Monday, November 18, 2013

Doing much better

I don't have many pictures because I haven't been getting out much but just wanted to let everyone know that Aleah is doing much better.  Her white count was down to 11.5 which is just a little above the normal range and she is eating, drinking, peeing and pooping.  All of these were problems before.  She also took her Advil without complaining last night so a lot of answered prayers.  Yesterday we even went with the group to a huge wholesale shopping mall.
Aleah being silly at the clinic
Apparently Santa Claus is big here

 She got a little tired out and we had to rest, but did ok.  Afterwards, We got our next dose of IV antibiotics and she got some IV fluids since she hadn't been drinking and that really seemed to perk her up.  We were there about 2 hours and it takes about 20 mins each way to get there so by the time we got back it was time for dinner.  I had been waiting for her to get better so we could go to the Mexican restaurant and tonight was the night.  We all loved it including Aleah.  She ordered fajitas and ate the meat and a tortilla.  She also loved the chips and salsa. This is going to work out real well for me because I love Mexican food.  She also likes spaghetti with meat sauce which is one of my specialties so she won't starve in Tulsa.  She seems to like those kinds of foods better than Chinese food.  She also loves watermelon and chewing gum.
    Today we got to Skype with my dad which was really fun.  He and Aleah played together and laughed a lot.  Greg and his mom left this morning.  I told Aleah in my broken Chinese that Daddy and Grandma go America tomorrow.  Her face lit up until I told her that we can't go for 3 days.  She is really looking forward to America.  This morning when she woke up she said Baba is already gone and then later she got my phone and wanted to call Daddy.  She got kind of mad when I told her he didn't have a phone on the plane.  I'm so glad that she has bonded with us so strongly already.  I just want to give a shout-out to my awesome agency Lifeline.  They have taken such good care of us and Lily has gone beyond her duty for us.  She has taken us to the clinic twice, come to my room at 3:00 in the morning when Aleah was burning with fever and wouldn't take meds and she was screaming stuff in Chinese that I couldn't understand.  My SW and the coordinator back home check on me all the time and the other LL families are awesome. Tomorrow we go the the American consulate to take the oath and apply for her visa.  Hopefully I will get some pics before and after because we can't take any phones or cameras inside. Bye, bye for now.

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