Friday, November 1, 2013

Getting things done

Airplane tickets-check
Hotel reservations-check
Our family Before Aleah
cat sitter found-check
foreign currency obtained-check
crisp $100 obtained-kind of
notified teachers and school-check
checked weather in Hong Kong, Changsha and Guangzhou-done
contacted home study agency-check
Hair color and cut-check
slumber party my house with 3 of the girls' friends-going on now.  What was I thinking?

packing, getting gifts for officials, guides and caregivers, preparing and freezing some meals for return, buying OTC meds, getting a VPN, figuring out skype or facetime, getting tickets for Hong Kong Disney, meeting with A & A's teachers, washing Aleah's new clothes in Dreft, checking paperwork, stop paper and mail, notify credit card companies, clean the house-all yet to be done

I'm getting there.  We found out yesterday, Thursday, that we will be leaving this next Wednesday morning.  Even though I knew it could be any time and we started this a year ago, when you finally get the call to come, it seems like a shock and unreal.  There are so many last minute things to do.  I don't think I can really get too excited until I am sitting on that plane with all my bags safely stowed.  I wonder if Aleah knows that her world is about to change in just one week.

1 comment:

  1. I will be following along and praying for your time in China!!
